Mouktika Bhasma is an Ayurvedic medicine very useful in diabetes,stranguary and detention of urine, urinary calculi,Carbuncle,cough and general debility.
Bronfree is used for treating bronchial disorders in both adults and children including allergic bronchitis and hypertension in lungs. without any side effects
Draksharishta is useful to give strength to diseased and weakened heart,Improves the muscular system.Used freely by pregnancy women and Children.
Vasarishta a trusted remedy for bronchial disorders,sinusitis, coughs produced in heart affections,dropsy and blood bile. 100% safe and Natural.
Bronchitis - Lung Care 1 month pack for NON-DIABETIC patients amounts to Rs:9475.00/- Only
Bronchitis - Lung Care 1 month pack for DIABETIC patients amounts to Rs:7830.00/- Only
Chyavanaprasa Lehya is Very useful in general health; physical abilities,rejuvenating nerves,relieving stress and strain, building up immunity
Mahalakshmivilasarasa is Highly recommended medicine for Bronchitis,Asthma,Hard breathing ,cough,hard breathing,heaviness of Heart,ailments of sleshma/phlegm